George Phelps
George Phelps
Portrayed by David Blue
Full Name George Phelps
Class Psychic
Birthday TBD
Age 23
Height 6'
Build Tall, stocky
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown
Factions The Foundation
Occupation TBD

Claim to Fame

<Insert claim-to-fame.>


  • The fourth of five children, his father was frequently absent or frequently drunk, his mother suffered from mental illness
  • A low to low-mid level telepath, the manifestation of his abilities began around the age of eight
  • Lacking knowledge and training, George's abilities were seen as a mental health issue and he was diagnosed with anxiety, paranoid schizophrenia and bi-polar.
  • George was treated by a number of psychologists, psychiatrists and various medical
  • He was eventually admitted to a juvenile center for violent behavior when another round of medication and treatment failed.
  • George was transferred from the juvenile center to Alexander House at the age of fourteen where he began to learn about his abilities and how to accept and control them
  • Due to his unstable home life and subsequent "conditioning" regarding his "mental issues," George had a hard time forming relationships with others initially, and remains skeptical of the motives of others to this day
  • Met Jasmine Taylor while attending Alexander Academy and became friends when she reached out to him, and continued reaching out despite some of his less-friendly behavior
  • George's abilities are sporadic at times because he learned to suppress them before he knew what the true issues was; he sometimes falls back on the suppression instinctively when he's challenged or feels threatened.
  • George has slowly been led to recognize his trust issues, and is now in therapy to work through and resolve them, but it's a long road because he doesn't completely trust the "supposed alturism" of Alexander Foundation, or of his therapist.

Character Details

George initially comes off as rude and abrasive, but it's a defensive mechanism meant to keep people at arm's length. He's automatically distrustful of everyone, and looks for hidden motivations within whomever he first meets. He's very intelligent, and uses his intelligence as a defense shield as well. However, beneath that, George is a lost little boy looking for acceptance and stability. When he makes friends, he will eventually attach to them quite strongly, though he remains haunted by the idea that people will desert him.


Image Name Race Relation Notes
jasminetaylor.jpg Jasmine Taylor Psychic Friend Considers her his best mate, and has something of a crush on her, though George is convinced that she won't ever look at him romantically. He respects Jasmine and trusts her, and she is one of the few people he feels he can be completely open and honest with. He's grateful for her support and friendship, and is slowly learning that just because they argue and disagree, it doesn't mean she will stop being his friend.


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